
DNA Collection Instructions


By carefully following these instructions, you will help ensure the DNA sample is viable for testing.

Cheek Swab (Epithelial Cells) Collection
Please wait at least 20 minutes after a meal or treat (drinking water is fine) to begin your DNA collection via swab. Separate young puppies for at least 10 minutes from each other and mum before swabbing.

How to do a Dog DNA Test

Ensure that your Dog DNA test results are accurate by watching a short video on how to take a Dog DNA sample.

Ensure quantity
Steps to capture sufficient quantity of cells:
1. STEP ONE - Capture Sufficient Quality of Cells
A person holding a brush inside a dog's mouth
CheckmarkTake 2 of the bristle (nylon) brushes.
CheckmarkInsert bristle heads against the inside of the cheek (inside the mouth).
CheckmarkPinch the cheek around the bristle heads firmly and roll the two swabs within the pinched area.
CheckmarkSwirl (circular motion) for a good 20 seconds to ensure you scrape enough epithelial cells (not saliva).
CheckmarkRepeat on the other cheek using the 3rd swab.
If you have been provided a stabilisation buffer with your swabs, insert the swabs into the provided stabilisation buffer tube. Break the swab at the indicated break point to ensure it fits securely. Close the buffer tube tightly to prevent leakage. Once sealed, place the buffer tube (containing the swabs) back into the original swab packaging for safe transport.
2. STEP TWO - Reduce Sample Degradation
CheckmarkStand the swabs up in cup or other holder with the bristle head up.
CheckmarkAvoid moisture being trapped in the swab sleeve before sealing [Moisture attracts bacteria and this can cause any DNA to degrade].
CheckmarkOnce dried, place the swabs into the original packaging and seal the packet closed with the barcode stickers.
Swab air drying
3. STEP THREE - Label & Finalize Submission
package and submission
CheckmarkUse the remaining barcode stickers as shown on swab packet & submission form (Hint: keep a record of the barcode on your files).
CheckmarkComplete details on swab packaging.
Stop Sign Warning

Please Ensure to Order / Activate / Redeem Your Test BEFORE shipping:

  1. Log in to your account and place an order for the test(s) that you require (if you haven't already).
  2. Click the "Redeem Tests " button to Activate.

EDTA Blood Collection (Vet only)

If collecting a blood sample is your preferred option, please advise your vet to collect at least 0.5ml in an EDTA tube.
package and submission
CheckmarkNo other form of blood sample will be accepted.
CheckmarkUse a barcode from the swab packaging to identify the blood sample collected and activate online.
Place each blood tube into a separate plastic zip lock bag. That way, if any leakage occurs, it is contained and will not cross contaminate any other collected blood samples. Refrigeration is not required.
Please ensure that it is packaged in a way that will not leak. eg: wrapped in cotton wool or tissue and in a plastic zip-lock bag.
Semen Option 1:
(Preferred and Most Successful Option)
Place the breeding unit (entire straw or pellet) into a plastic zip lock bag (the smaller the better). An excellent way to ensure the straw is protected is to use the outside shaft of a ball point pen. Use the plastic top to seal one end. This shaft also helps protect the straw from any postal damage. Pellets are usually stored and shipped in an Eppendorf tube & this is sufficient for transporting. Or send 100ul (0.1ml) of semen in a microfuge tube, wrap or seal the lid with parafilm. This option has a 95% success rate.
Semen Option 2:
Empty straw(s) & semen "Whirl-Pak" thaw bags can be used and in many cases is sufficient to get a DNA profile. To assist and ensure that the sample is successful, simply place the empty straw and bags in a small zip lock bag. Do not seal the ends with tape or other plugs. The straws/or bags/residual semen is flushed out with sterile saline and this allows for any residual semen to be eluted into a tube.
img mail

Mail Samples

Orivet Genetic Pet Care, PO Box 110 St Kilda Victoria 3182

img mail

Sample Arrivals

You will be notified via an email and/or phone SMS when your samples arrive and are accessioned by the office.

img mail

Overseas Clients

Please write on the front of the envilope: * AQIS Permit Number 0002906015'NA Swab Samples Enclosed (Non Pathogenic Canine/Feline Samples)

Approved Collection Method

Member body/Kennel Club Requirements

  • -The collection is either done by a Veterinarian or Orivet Approved Collection Agent
  • -The microchip number is scanned and verified
  • -The approved collection method form is completed and signed off by the collector
  • -Collected samples are sealed in the Tamper Proof Bags for owner to post

Please ensure you add your animal/s to your online account and order (activate) the relevant test/s prior to sending samples to us.

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