The A- Series (agouti-signalling peptide) ASIP affects the distribution of eumelanin.
The ASIP gene has four alleles the ay (fawn/red or sable), the aw (wild sable/wild type or wild boar), at (black & tan/tricolour) and the a (solid black).
These four alleles work in a hierarchy - one is dominant over the other.
The Agouti test runs and reports all 4 alleles.
Please Note: We strongly recommend that you also request a K-Locus test with any A-Locus request as the expression of any A locus results (colour) is stringly influenced by the K-Locus.
Associated Breed(s):
Click here to view Associated Breeds
Genetic Traits
It is a trait and so is tested based on preference, not usually for health concerns.
Variant Detected:
Base Substitution 246 G>T(A82S); G>A (R83H): C>T (p.R96C)
Mode of Inheritance:
Recomended Screening:
Research Citation(s):