
Order Tests for Dogs
DNA Tests
Adult Onset Deafness Border Collie (Linkage Association Test)

This test is currently offered as 'research only' and results should not to be used for making key breeding decisions.

This test is referred to as a Linkage Association Test – number of SNPs that are associated towards a ‘risk’ these are also known as marker tests so to clarify the exact gene that leads and causes EOAD is still to be discovered.

  We are working to try and gather more phenotypic data on Border Collie/Collie populations with a key focus on Australian show and working lines.

There are 5 associated SNPs, Orivet tests for the SNP that has been published to show the highest risk.

Based on the association of this SNP having an 8 fold increased risk of deafness it is advisable if possible to avoid mating to produce a positive at risk offspring BUT this is low risk (8 x fold risk).

  If you have a dog that tests as "positive/at risk' we recommend that a BAER test be carried out.


Adult Onset Deafness Border Collie (Linkage Association Test)

$ 50.00


Associated Breed(s):

Click here to view Associated Breeds


Genetic Diseases


Low-Moderate. This disease can cause some discomfort and/or dysfunction in the affected animal. It does not generally affect life expectancy.



Variant Detected:

c.846+5 T>G

Mode of Inheritance:

Recomended Screening:

Research Citation(s):

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