This is an inherited metabolic disorder affecting Maltese dogs.
Glycogen is the primary carbohydrate used by the body for energy.
Affected dogs do not have sufficient enzymes to break down glycogen causing accumulation of glycogen in the organs of the dog, including the liver, heart and kidneys.
Many affected dogs die before or at birth resulting in small litter sizes with mummified fetuses and stillborn puppies.
Symptoms in affected puppies that survive include failure to thrive, lethargy, low blood sugar, enlarged liver, coma and difficulty breathing.
Without nutritional therapy affected dogs die within 2 months of age.
Even with nutritional therapy affected dogs rarely survive to 6 months of age.
$ 50.00
Associated Breed(s):
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Genetic Diseases
Low. This disease generally causes mild signs of disease, or can be quite easily treated/managed.
Glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit (G6PC) on Chromosome 9
Variant Detected:
Base Substitution c.450G>C p.Met121Ile
Mode of Inheritance:
Recomended Screening:
Research Citation(s):