
Order Tests for Cats
DNA Tests
M Locus (Merle/Dapple)

Orivet, a leader in innovative animal health, provides over 260 Tests for Dog Breeders.

Merle, dapple the M Locus coat colour test to determines the allele size of the mutation.

  Our test can detect the various patterns M (classic Merle), Mc (cryptic), Ma (atypical) Mh (harlequin) and m (non-merle).

  These various types allow you determine the effect on coat colour and health status.

Please see more in Test Overview below.

  Please Note: Orivet results are on average 2 to 3 base pairs lower than reported previously (Langevin et al; 2018).

  This may result in some Merle classification differences between laboratories.

 Orivet has a sublicense granted by IDEXX Laboratories Inc.

  In some cases you may need to include a hair sample with ALL swab samples submitted.

  Click here to download our Merle Hair Sample Submission Form.

Click here for a Merle Fact Sheet.


M Locus (Merle/Dapple)

$ 50.00


Associated Breed(s):

Click here to view Associated Breeds


Genetic Traits


It is a trait and so is tested based on preference, not usually for health concerns.



Variant Detected:

250 base pair SINE insertion, oligo(dA)-rich tails with length polymorphism. Detects and reports all the 7 alleles on the M Locus (Mh, M, Ma+, Ma, Mc+, Mc and m)

Mode of Inheritance:

Recomended Screening:

Research Citation(s):

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