Von Willebrand’s disease is the most common inherited bleeding disorder in dogs and occurs when there is a lack of functional von Willebrand factor.
Von Willebrand factor is needed for the normal adhesion of platelets and for normal blood clotting to occur.
There are 3 types of von Willebrand’s disease, and the German shorthaired pointer is most commonly affected by type II von Willebrand’s disease.
This is a recessive disorder and is a fairly rare and severe form of von Willebrand’s disease.
It occurs when there is structurally abnormal von Willebrand factor in the blood of affected animals.
Because the von Willebrand factor is structurally abnormal, it will not function as it is supposed to in the process of blood clotting.
This type of von Willebrand’s disease leads to severe bleeding disorders and episodes of bleeding.
$ 50.00
Associated Breed(s):
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Genetic Diseases
It is a trait and so is tested based on preference, not usually for health concerns.
Variant Detected:
missense variant c.1657T>G; p.Trp553Gly
Mode of Inheritance:
Recomended Screening:
Research Citation(s):